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Charts and Other Helpful Resources

Size Charts

Garment ease chart
     How much ease to add to body measurements to achieve various styles of fit.

Hat Size Chart
     Adult head measurements based on hat size, from Tam-Beret, Inc., maker of custom headgear.

Hat Sizes for Premature Babies
     Approximate finished sizes of hats for premature babies.

Household Items and non-fitting clothing accessories
     Standard measurements for blankets, tablecloths, scarves, and more.

Infant's and Children's Sizes
     Infant's and Children's body measurements for specific garment sizes. From various publications, including "My Valuable Yarn Guide" as published in 1995.

Men's Sizes
     Men's body measurements for specific garment sizes. From various publications, including "My Valuable Yarn Guide" as published in 1995.

Misses' Sizes
     Misses' body measurements for specific garment sizes. From various publications, including "My Valuable Yarn Guide" as published in 1995.

Shoe Size Conversion Chart
     Conversion chart: U.S. to U.K. and European sizes. Men, women, children, infant/toddler sizes.

Sock Sizes
     Children's, women's and men's foot measurements.

Women's Sizes
     Women's body measurements for specific garment sizes. From various publications, including "My Valuable Yarn Guide" as published in 1995.

Yarn, Thread, and Fiber Tools

Bucilla to DMC Thread
     Chart published by Plaid/Bucilla showing approximate color equivalents to DMC thread.

DMC Floss and Delica Beads
     Downloadable charts matching DMC floss colors to Delica beads, and vice versa.

Knitting Needle Size based on Yarn Size
     How to determine what size needle to use for any given yarn.

Knitting Needle Sizes
     Conversion chart -- U.S. to U.K., metric, and antique sizes. Includes lace needle sizes.

Weight Classes of Yarn
     Description of the yarn sizing now used by many vendors.

Yarn Sizes and Substitutions
     Guide to standard yarn sizes, based on yards per pound (with conversion to meters per kilogram).

Graph Paper and Calculators

Conversion Calculator
     On-line conversion of ounces to and from grams, meters to and from yards.

Graph Paper Generators
     Online software to generate many different types of graph paper. For knitters, scroll down to Asymmetric -- "Asymmetric graph paper is typically used for knitting patterns. Knit stitches are wider than they are tall. You can set your own width to height ratio here to accomodate the type of stitch used."

Graph Paper Printer -- online version
     Print any type of graph or lined paper -- adjust horizontal and vertical spacing to fit your gauge or chart. This online program creates a PDF file with a grid that you specify. Works on Mac as well as Windows, but you must be online and must have Acrobat Reader installed in order to create and print the file. Click here to download Acrobat Reader (free software).

Graph Paper Shareware Program
     Create and print your own graph paper. Allows you to determine the number of lines per inch; vertical and horizontal need not be identical (for example, 7 squares per inch horizontally and 10 squares per inch vertically). PC version only. You will need to unzip (uncompress) this file.

Miscellaneous Resources

Antique Sock Knitting Machine Museum
     Very informative site for sock machine knitters, lots of picures of many different types of sock machines and helpful information about parts and needle sizes, etc.

Blocking the Rose of England Tablecloth
     Description -- with photos -- of how to block a round knitted lace tablecloth.

Blocking Tips
     Blocking, or "dressing", knitted lace -- from Jackie Erickson-Schweitzer at HeartStrings.

Carolines Books n Crafty Bits
     Information to help would-be crafters to build simple and versatile weaving and spinning tools, and develope skills that can be applied in different ways to cover many techniques.

Crochet Glossary and Dictionary
     Comprehensive information about crochet symbols, terms, abbreviations and more.

Fitting Drop-Shoulder Sleeves
     The most common problem in this design is that sleeves tend to be too long. How to measure and adjust your pattern for this.

International Glossary of Knitting Terms
     Glossary of knitting terms in several languages.

Lessons from the (Knitting) School of Hard Knocks
     Tips and tricks learned "the hard way" and posted to the KnitList in March of 1997.

TechKnit Mailing List Archives
     Fully searchable digests of the no-chat knitting email list, including all messages posted to the list from 1996 through 2009.

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This page last modified: Tuesday, April 26, 2022
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