Knitting Needle Size based on Yarn Size
Two methods for estimating the size needle needed
to obtain the optimum knit fabric for a given yarn.
Also see Yarn Sizes
and Substitutions for other yarn size approximations and connversions.
Method 1
From the "Catalog and Idea Book" of Woodland Woolworks
Start by measuring the yarn by wrapping it around a ruler firmly, but
not stretching it or packing the wraps. Find the number of wraps in the
left column, then start knitting with the suggested needle size. Of course,
this chart is only a guide -- your personal knitting tension may create
a different gauge from that shown.
Yarn Wraps per 2 inches
Suggested U.S. Needle Size
Approximate Stitch Gauge
(stitches per 2 inches)
1 - 3
16 - 17
3 - 4
8 - 9
9 - 10
Method 2
This method originated in an article by Ginny Norris that appeared in
a 1995 issue of Spin Off magazine, published by Interweave Press.
- Wrap yarn around 2" of a ruler to *feel* what you're after, based
on the density of the finished piece. Crowd the yarn for a more dense knitted
fabric, wrap loosely for a soft fabric.
- Then count the number of wraps in the 2", which gives an approximate
number of stitches in a 4" swatch.
- Divide the number of wraps by 4 to get the number of stitches per inch.
- Choose a knitting needle that approximates the diameter of the yarn
to start.
- Then measure 3" of yarn and wrap the yarn around the needle. Count
the number of full wraps plus any partials.
- The number of full and partial wraps should match the number of stitches
per inch calculated above. Change needle sizes until you get this match.
- Sample after this to double check and make sure the fabric is what
you want.
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